Professional Stage Actor
Born in Tokyo, Japan, Michael went on to spend his formative years in Singapore and grew up in Orange County, California. Michael is a New England-Based Japanese-American actor, where he is active in theatre and specializes in the development of new work. Michael has a passion for plays about pressing social issues and has had his hand in the development of hundreds of plays. He was recognized for his work in the theatre by the California Assembly and Senate. He is a proud member of Actor's Equity Association.
"A collateral benefit of “Hold These Truths’’ is the showcase the play affords to a talented young actor, Michael Hisamoto. Anyone who admired Hisamoto for his adroit work at Lyric Stage in Sarah Ruhl’s “Stage Kiss’’ now gets to see what he can do with a challenging role that is commensurate with abilities he could only hint at in earlier performances. The short answer is: a lot. The actor immerses himself in the character of Hirabayashi, delivering a subtly textured portrayal that conveys a vivid sense of the personality, as well as the fervent idealism, of a man who was willing to sacrifice his freedom for a cause." -The Boston Globe
"The actor, subtly aging over 50 years as Hirabayashi tells his tale, also knows how to command the stage. He proves a whiz at accents and at leaping among Hirabayashi, his parents, his pals and supporters and his antagonists..." -WBUR
"For me, Michael Hisamoto really leads the party as Daniel and Merrick. His performance is nuanced, funny and charming, and I’m excited to see him do more in this space. " -International Podcast Month
"Michael Hisamoto brings a genuine smile and heart and soul to the stage for 100 minutes, never wavering in his capacity to make us accept his character's decency and the rightness of his cause... Hisamoto [gives an] irresistible performance"
"Here, the audience truly gets to see Hisamoto’s power to take control of the stage even when he doesn’t utter a word. Each scene is powerful, brought together by the combination of Hisamoto’s talent and the kurogo acting in tandem." -The Tech
"Now, I do have to say something here about Michael Hisamoto who plays a number of parts including Kevin the understudy in The Last Kiss and a pimp in the play in Detroit. Mr. Hisamoto almost steals this production. He is positively hilarious in his scenes with Ms. Oliva in Act 1. Their kissing scene is side splitting funny. Every time he steps onto the stage you can feel his energy. His presence is subtle but very strong. He can elicit laughter with just a sidewards glance. He is a very talented young actor and I hope we get to see more of him soon." -Boxing Over Broadway
"Another chief asset is Michael Hisamoto as Kevin, an all-purpose understudy. Kevin’s presence in various roles becomes a running joke — particularly when a scene calls for his very awkward kissing skills. (Kevin is gay, and the trepidation with which he approaches his intimate moments with She is hilarious.)"
-The Boston Globe
"Michael Hisamoto, seen earlier this season in Fast Company at The Lyric Stage Company of Boston, shines in his portrayal of playwright David Henry Hwang. Hisamoto manages a perfect balance of self-effacing humor and gut-wrenching honesty."
"Michael Hisamoto, who, in several roles, comes close to stopping the show at multiple junctures with his brilliant physical comedy." -Theater Mania
"Michael Hisamoto in a variety of roles is beyond hilarious in each part, but especially when understudying the leading man; his repeated attempts to kiss the leading lady find his technique somewhere between that of a snow plow and a blowfish."
-Joyce's Choices
"As the three siblings, Nguyen, Hisamoto, and Simahk carry much of the show, their committed performances are what keep things rolling. Hisamoto, in particular, has a terrific gift for physical comedy" -Theater Mania
"Playing [McGarrahan's] protégé Kevin, Michael Hisamoto is a riot when he sits in as a reader with "She" for her audition and later as her scene partner as the understudy. Their kissing scenes are worth the price of admission, but Hisamoto also rocks one of designer Amanda Mujica's best costumes when he plays a pimp." -Broadway World
"And as the young understudy for He (as well as the pimp), Michael Hisamoto is a scream. His awkward attempts at kissing She during scene work are priceless" -TheaterMirror
"And costume designer Amanda Mujica’s creations include a set of “pimp” duds for the IRA play, sported with a near-panicky mix of awkwardness and bewilderment by Michael Hisamoto, that are worth the price of admission... abetted by Hisamoto’s game if incompetent amanuensis — ably balances satire with credibility." -WBUR
"Michael Hisamoto’s David Henry Hwang rides an emotional roller coaster ... he captures vividly the angst and anguish of the playwright ." -On Boston Stages
"Faring best [is] Michael Hisamoto—one of my favorite local actors—who plays the national secretary of the Japanese American Citizens League who successfully lobbied the government to allow Japanese-Americans to enlist" -DigBoston
"The entire cast demonstrate flexibility and fluidity, from Hisamoto's slowly melting layers of self-justification to Barreneda's sympathetic (and naive) drift into deep waters." -Edge Media Network
The Theater Mirror (Hold These Truths)
Edge Media Network (Hold These Truths)
TheaterMania (Hold These Truths)
South Boston Online (Stage Kiss)
South Shore Critic (Stage Kiss)
The Boston Globe (Fast Company)
New England Theatre Geek (Yellow Face)
Sampan (Charlotte's Web)
The Theater Mirror (Charlotte's Web)
Boxing Over Broadway (Allegiance)
"The actor, subtly aging over 50 years as Hirabayashi tells his tale, also knows how to command the stage. He proves a whiz at accents and at leaping among Hirabayashi, his parents, his pals and supporters and his antagonists..." -WBUR
"For me, Michael Hisamoto really leads the party as Daniel and Merrick. His performance is nuanced, funny and charming, and I’m excited to see him do more in this space. " -International Podcast Month
"Michael Hisamoto brings a genuine smile and heart and soul to the stage for 100 minutes, never wavering in his capacity to make us accept his character's decency and the rightness of his cause... Hisamoto [gives an] irresistible performance"
"Here, the audience truly gets to see Hisamoto’s power to take control of the stage even when he doesn’t utter a word. Each scene is powerful, brought together by the combination of Hisamoto’s talent and the kurogo acting in tandem." -The Tech
"Now, I do have to say something here about Michael Hisamoto who plays a number of parts including Kevin the understudy in The Last Kiss and a pimp in the play in Detroit. Mr. Hisamoto almost steals this production. He is positively hilarious in his scenes with Ms. Oliva in Act 1. Their kissing scene is side splitting funny. Every time he steps onto the stage you can feel his energy. His presence is subtle but very strong. He can elicit laughter with just a sidewards glance. He is a very talented young actor and I hope we get to see more of him soon." -Boxing Over Broadway
"Another chief asset is Michael Hisamoto as Kevin, an all-purpose understudy. Kevin’s presence in various roles becomes a running joke — particularly when a scene calls for his very awkward kissing skills. (Kevin is gay, and the trepidation with which he approaches his intimate moments with She is hilarious.)"
-The Boston Globe
"Michael Hisamoto, seen earlier this season in Fast Company at The Lyric Stage Company of Boston, shines in his portrayal of playwright David Henry Hwang. Hisamoto manages a perfect balance of self-effacing humor and gut-wrenching honesty."
"Michael Hisamoto, who, in several roles, comes close to stopping the show at multiple junctures with his brilliant physical comedy." -Theater Mania
"Michael Hisamoto in a variety of roles is beyond hilarious in each part, but especially when understudying the leading man; his repeated attempts to kiss the leading lady find his technique somewhere between that of a snow plow and a blowfish."
-Joyce's Choices
"As the three siblings, Nguyen, Hisamoto, and Simahk carry much of the show, their committed performances are what keep things rolling. Hisamoto, in particular, has a terrific gift for physical comedy" -Theater Mania
"Playing [McGarrahan's] protégé Kevin, Michael Hisamoto is a riot when he sits in as a reader with "She" for her audition and later as her scene partner as the understudy. Their kissing scenes are worth the price of admission, but Hisamoto also rocks one of designer Amanda Mujica's best costumes when he plays a pimp." -Broadway World
"And as the young understudy for He (as well as the pimp), Michael Hisamoto is a scream. His awkward attempts at kissing She during scene work are priceless" -TheaterMirror
"And costume designer Amanda Mujica’s creations include a set of “pimp” duds for the IRA play, sported with a near-panicky mix of awkwardness and bewilderment by Michael Hisamoto, that are worth the price of admission... abetted by Hisamoto’s game if incompetent amanuensis — ably balances satire with credibility." -WBUR
"Michael Hisamoto’s David Henry Hwang rides an emotional roller coaster ... he captures vividly the angst and anguish of the playwright ." -On Boston Stages
"Faring best [is] Michael Hisamoto—one of my favorite local actors—who plays the national secretary of the Japanese American Citizens League who successfully lobbied the government to allow Japanese-Americans to enlist" -DigBoston
"The entire cast demonstrate flexibility and fluidity, from Hisamoto's slowly melting layers of self-justification to Barreneda's sympathetic (and naive) drift into deep waters." -Edge Media Network
The Theater Mirror (Hold These Truths)
Edge Media Network (Hold These Truths)
TheaterMania (Hold These Truths)
South Boston Online (Stage Kiss)
South Shore Critic (Stage Kiss)
The Boston Globe (Fast Company)
New England Theatre Geek (Yellow Face)
Sampan (Charlotte's Web)
The Theater Mirror (Charlotte's Web)
Boxing Over Broadway (Allegiance)